My name is Shadi Rezapour (officially Rezvaneh Rezapour). I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Science at Drexel's College of Computing and Informatics. I received my Ph.D. from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) where I was advised by Dr. Jana Diesner.

My research lies at the intersection of Computational Social Science and Natural Language Processing (NLP). I develop technically advanced and socially-aware NLP models by integrating computational methods with social science theories. This approach captures the rich cultural and social contexts in which language is used, enhancing our understanding of human behavior, attitudes, and cultures.

My key area of interest is the study of online communities and social media platforms, where language shapes public opinion and conveys complex social and cultural information. My current research topics include:

I am not currently accepting new PhD students, but if you are interested in working with me in the future, please fill out this form.

Keywords: NLP for social good, narrative and discourse analysis, social media analysis, opinion mining

Assistant Professor

Department of Information Science

Drexel University

Pronouns: she/her

Office: #1120, 3675 Market St

Email: shadi.rezapour [at] drexel [dot] edu

Twitter: @shadi_rezapour

Office hours: by appointment

CV | Google Scholar | LinkedIn 

Selected Service (2024):
-IC2S2 local co-chair

- ACM FAccT proceeding co-chair

- CSCW area chair

I co-founded DONUTS Co-Lab(Data Ontology Networks Users Text Safety) with Dr. Afsaneh Razi and Dr. John Seberger at Drexel. 

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